Словарный тренажер

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М.Твен. Как лечить простуду. Ч.3

уровень: сложный, раздел: книги

Внимание: Настоятельно рекомендуем зарегистрироваться и войти под своим именем, тогда результаты будут сохранены, выученные слова будут сохраняться в личном словаре, и можно будет их повторять!
Шаг 1
Словарный запас
Шаг 2
Тренажер слов

Словарный запас


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*если у вас возникают сложности и не получается понять текст, то воспользуйтесь онлайн переводчиком, просто выделите текст и нажмите появившуюся кнопку "перевести", но лучше сначала постараться перевести самим!

Mark Twain


Part 3

She mixed a decoction composed of molasses (чёрная патока), aquafortis (концентрированная азотная кислота), turpentine, and various other drugs, and instructed me to take a wine-glass full of it every fifteen minutes. I never took but one dose; that was enough; it robbed me of all moral principle, and awoke every unworthy impulse of my nature. Under its malign influence my brain conceived miracles of meanness, but my hands were too feeble to execute them; at that time, had it not been that my strength had surrendered to a succession of assaults from infallible remedies for my cold, I am satisfied that I would have tried to rob the graveyard. Like most other people, I often feel mean, and act accordingly; but until I took that medicine I had never reveled in such supernatural depravity (я никогда не получал удовольствия от такой сверхъестественной безнравственности), and felt proud of it. At the end of two days I was ready to go to doctoring again. I took a few more unfailing remedies, and finally drove my cold from my head to my lungs.

I got to coughing incessantly, and my voice fell below zero; I conversed in a thundering bass (я разговаривал громоподобным басом), two octaves below my natural tone; I could only compass my regular nightly repose by coughing myself down to a state of utter exhaustion, and then the moment I began to talk in my sleep, my discordant voice woke me up again.

My case grew more and more serious every day. A plain gin was recommended; I took it. Then gin and molasses; I took that also. Then gin and onions; I added the onions, and took all three. I detected no particular result, however, except that I had acquired a breath like a buzzard's (дыхание как у грифа).

I found I had to travel for my health. I went to Lake Bigler with my reportorial comrade (коллегой-репортером), Wilson. It is gratifying to me to reflect that we traveled in considerable style; we went in the Pioneer coach, and my friend took all his baggage with him, consisting of two excellent silk handkerchiefs and a daguerreotype (дагерротип) of his grandmother. We sailed and hunted and fished and danced all day, and I doctored my cough all night. By managing in this way, I made out to improve every hour in the twenty-four. But my disease continued to grow worse.

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Список слов

decoction - отвар, лечебный отвар
impulse - побуждение, удар
turpentine - скипидар
to rob - лишать, грабить
unworthy - подлый, презренный
malign - пагубный, вредный
influence - влияние, воздействие
to conceive - задумывать, постигать
miracle - чудо
feeble - немощный, слабый
to execute - осуществлять, исполнять
strength - сила
to surrender - сдаваться, капитулировать
assault - атака, нападение
infallible - верный, безошибочный
graveyard - кладбище
incessantly - непрерывно, непрестанно
to converse - разговаривать, вести беседу
to compass - достигать, окружать
repose - отдых, передышка
utter - полный, совершенный
exhaustion - изнеможение, истощение
discordant - неблагозвучный
gin - джин
to detect - обнаруживать, открывать
particular - особенный, подробность
to acquire - приобретать
gratifying - приятный, лестный
to reflect - размышлять, отражать
considerable - достойный, значительный
disease - болезнь

Уроки с похожими словами, их стоит пройти для закрепления

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