Словарный тренажер

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Супружество как точная наука. Ч. 5

уровень: сложный, раздел: книги

Внимание: Настоятельно рекомендуем зарегистрироваться и войти под своим именем, тогда результаты будут сохранены, выученные слова будут сохраняться в личном словаре, и можно будет их повторять!
Шаг 1
Словарный запас
Шаг 2
Тренажер слов

Словарный запас


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выбери слово, которое является переводом, неправильные ответы исчезают

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найди пару слов в левом и правом столбце, если ответ верный, то оба слова исчезнут

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*если у вас возникают сложности и не получается понять текст, то воспользуйтесь онлайн переводчиком, просто выделите текст и нажмите появившуюся кнопку "перевести", но лучше сначала постараться перевести самим!

O. Henry


Part 5

Every applicant got a reply from Peters & Tucker informing him that the widow had been deeply impressed by his straightforward and interesting letter and requesting them to write again; stating more particulars; and enclosing photograph if convenient. Peters & Tucker also informed the applicant that their fee for handing over the second letter to their fair client would be $2, enclosed therewith.

There you see the simple beauty of the scheme. About 90 percent of them domestic foreign noblemen raised the price somehow and sent it in. That was all there was to it. Except that me and Andy complained an amount about being put to the trouble of slicing open them envelopes, and taking the money out.

Some few clients called in person. We sent them to Mrs. Trotter and she did the rest; except for three or four who came back to strike us for carfare. After the letters began to get in from the r.f.d. (rural free delivery - бесплатная доставка (почты) в сельскую местность) districts Andy and me were taking in about $200 a day.

One afternoon when we were busiest and I was stuffing the two and ones into cigar boxes and Andy was whistling ‘No Wedding Bells for Her’ - a small slick man drops in and runs his eye over the walls like he was on the trail of a lost Gainsborough painting or two (напал на след пропавшей картины Гейнсборо). As soon as I saw him I felt a glow of pride, because we were running our business on the level.

‘I see you have quite a large mail today,’ says the man.

I reached and got my hat.

‘Come on,’ says I. ‘We’ve been expecting you. I’ll show you the goods. How was Teddy when you left Washington?’

I took him down to the Riverview Hotel and had him shake hands with Mrs. Trotter. Then I showed him her bank book with the $2,000 to her credit.

'It seems to be all right,’ says the Secret Service.

‘It is,’ says I. ‘And if you’re not a married man I’ll leave you to talk a while with the lady. We won’t mention the two dollars.'

‘Thanks,’ says he. ‘If I wasn’t, I might. Good day, Mr. Peters.'

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Список слов

straightforward - откровенный, прямой
to impress - поражать, производить впечатление
to enclose - прилагать, огораживать
convenient - удобный, подходящий
nobleman - аристократ, дворянин
amount - количество, величина
envelope - конверт
to strike for - выпрашивать
to stuff - засовывать, запихивать
to whistle - свистеть
slick - скользкий
trail - след
glow - теплота, свет
to mention - упоминать
to state - излагать, заявлять
particular - подробность, особенный
to complain - жаловаться
in person - лично, собственной персоной

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