- тренажер для запоминания слов

R.H. Stoddard - Birds

"птица" - "bird"
"петь" - "to sing"
"вблизи" - "round"
"окно" - "window"
"мелодия" - "tune"
"благозвучный" - "sweet"
"слышать" - "to hear"
"вешать" - "to hang"
"клетка" - "cage"
"ежедневно" - "daily"
"поймать" - "to catch"
"мысль" - "thought"
"мозг" - "brain"
"населять" - "to people"
"весь день" - "all day long"
"маленький" - "little"
"песня" - "song"

R.H. Stoddard


Birds are singing round my window,
Tunes the sweetest ever heard,
And I hang my cage there daily,
But I never catch a bird.

So with thoughts my brain is peopled,
And they sing there all day long:
But they will not fold their pinions
In the little cage of Song.


to fold the wings – складывать крылья

pinion ['pɪnjən] – перо, (поэт.) крыло