- тренажер для запоминания слов

Katie Melua - Piece by Piece

"прежде всего" - "first of all"
"аромат" - "scent"
"подушка" - "pillow"
"попрощаться" - "to say goodbye"
"шепот" - "whisper"
"сон" - "dream"
"губа" - "lip"
"расставаться" - "to part"
"разум" - "mind"
"поцелуй" - "kiss"
"глубокий" - "deep"
"кожа" - "skin"
"постепенно" - "piece by piece"
"отпускать" - "to let go"
"по очереди" - "one at a time"
"нет смысла" - "there is no point"
"связь" - "tie"
"ради нас" - "for our sakes"
"помнить" - "to remember"
"сбрасывать" - "to shed"
"воспоминание" - "memory"
"располагающий к лени" - "lazy"
"постепенно исчезать" - "to fade away"
"тень" - "shadow"

Katie Melua - Piece by Piece

First of all must go

Your scent upon my pillow

And then I'll say goodbye

To your whispers in my dreams.

And then our lips will part

In my mind and in my heart,

Cause your kiss

Went deeper than my skin.


Piece by piece

Is how I'll let go of you

Kiss by kiss

Will leave my mind one at a time

One at a time


First of all must fly,

My dreams of you and I,

There's no point in holding on to those

And then our ties will break,

For your and my own sake,

Just remember,

This is what you chose


Piece by piece

Is how I'll let go of you

Kiss by kiss,

Will leave my mind one at a time

One at a time


I'll shed like skin,

Our memories of lazy days,

And fade away the shadow of your face


Piece by piece

Is how I'll let go of you

Kiss by kiss,

Will leave my mind one at a time

One at a time

One at a time

One at a time