Словарный тренажер

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Саки. Место для вола. Ч.3

уровень: сложный, раздел: книги

Внимание: Настоятельно рекомендуем зарегистрироваться и войти под своим именем, тогда результаты будут сохранены, выученные слова будут сохраняться в личном словаре, и можно будет их повторять!
Шаг 1
Словарный запас
Шаг 2
Тренажер слов

Словарный запас


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The Stalled Ox

Part 3

Adela Pingsford said nothing, but led the way to her garden.  It was normally a fair-sized (довольно большой) garden, but it looked small in comparison with the ox, a huge mottled brute, dull red about the head and shoulders, passing to dirty white on the flanks and hind-quarters, with shaggy ears and large blood-shot eyes.  It bore about as much resemblance to the dainty paddock heifers (телка) that Eshley was accustomed to paint as the chief of a Kurdish nomad clan (предводитель клана курдских кочевников) would to a Japanese tea-shop girl.  Eshley stood very near the gate while he studied the animal’s appearance and demeanour.  Adela Pingsford continued to say nothing.

‘It’s eating a chrysanthemum,’ said Eshley at last, when the silence had become unbearable.

‘How observant you are,’ said Adela bitterly.  ‘You seem to notice everything.  As a matter of fact, it has got six chrysanthemums in its mouth at the present moment.’

The necessity for doing something was becoming imperative.  Eshley took a step or two in the direction of the animal, clapped his hands, and made noises of the ‘Hish’ and ‘Shoo’ variety.  If the ox heard them it gave no outward indication of the fact.

‘If any hens should ever stray into my garden,’ said Adela, ‘I should certainly send for you to frighten them out.  You ‘shoo’ beautifully.  Meanwhile, do you mind trying to drive that ox away?  That is a Mademoiselle Louise Bichot that he’s begun on now,’ she added in icy calm, as a glowing orange head was crushed into the huge munching mouth.

‘Since you have been so frank about the variety of the chrysanthemum,’ said Eshley, ‘I don’t mind telling you that this is an Ayrshire ox (вол айрширской породы).’

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Список слов

comparison - сравнение, сопоставление
mottled - пятнистый, крапчатый
dull - тусклый, тупой
flank - бок, сторона
hind - задний, расположенный сзади
shaggy - косматый, лохматый
bloodshot - налитый кровью
resemblance - сходство, похожесть
paddock - загон для скота
accustomed - привыкший, привычный
nomad - кочевник
appearance - внешний вид, наружность
demeanour - поведение
unbearable - невыносимый, нетерпимый
observant - наблюдательный, внимательный
imperative - настоятельный, повелительный
to clap - хлопать, аплодировать
variety - разнообразие, многообразие
outward - внешний, наружный
indication - признак, симптом
meanwhile - между тем, тем временем
glowing - яркий, раскаленный
to munch - чавкать, громко жевать
frank - откровенный, искренний

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