Словарный тренажер
Али-Баба и сорок разбойников. Ч.3
уровень: средний, раздел: сказки
Словарный запас
Тренажер слов
Словарный запас
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Part 3.
The captain of the troop resolved to find out who possessed the secret of entrance into his cave, and disguising himself, went to the city early one morning, when, accosting the cobbler, he was told of the job he had, who for six pieces of gold, allowed himself to be blindfolded, and traced out the house of Cassim, which the robber marked with chalk. Buying nineteen mules and thirty-nine large jars, one full of oil, and the rest empty, the captain put a man into each jar, properly armed, and then proceeded to the street where Ali Baba dwelt. ‘Sir,’ said he, ‘I have brought this oil a great way to sell; as I am quite a stranger, will you let me put my mules into your courtyard, and direct me where I may lodge tonight?’ Ali Baba welcomed the pretended oil merchant, offered him a bed in his own house, and invited his guest in to supper.
Morgiana, sitting up later that night than usual, her lamp went out; she took her oil pot (масленка) in her hand, and approaching the first jar, the robber within said: ‘Is it time, captain?’ she replied, ‘No, not yet;’ so she ran back to the kitchen, and brought out a large kettle, which she filled with oil, set it on a great wood fire, and as soon as it boiled, she went and poured into the jars sufficient of the boiling oil to kill every man within.
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Список слов
to resolve - решать
to find out - выяснить, обнаружить
entrance - вход
to disguise - изменять внешность, маскировать
to accost - обращаться, приставать
to allow - позволять, разрешать
to trace - разыскать, набрасывать
to mark - отмечать, ставить знак
chalk - мел
jar - кувшин, банка
properly - надлежащим образом, должным образом
armed - вооруженный
to proceed - отправляться, продолжать
a great way - длинный путь
stranger - чужестранец, незнакомец
courtyard - внутренний двор
to direct - указывать дорогу, направлять
to lodge - снимать комнату, приютить
pretended - поддельный, притворный
merchant - купец, торговец
to offer - предлагать
to invite - приглашать
pot - горшок, кастрюля
kettle - чайник, котел
to boil - кипеть, варить
to pour - лить, наливать
sufficient - достаточное количество, достаточный
to kill - убивать, лишать жизни