- тренажер для запоминания слов

Киплинг. Six serving-men

"держать" - "to keep"
"служить" - "to serve"
"обучать" - "to teach"
"знать" - "to know"
"посылать" - "to send"
"земля" - "land"
"восток" - "east"
"запад" - "west"
"работать" - "to work"
"давать" - "to give"
"отдых" - "rest"
"позволять" - "to let"
"честный" - "honest"
"занятой" - "busy"
"завтрак" - "breakfast"
"ланч" - "lunch"
"голодный" - "hungry"
"люди" - "folk"
"взгляд" - "view"
"получать" - "to get"
"повсюду" - "abroad"
"дело" - "affair"
"разный" - "different"
"момент" - "second"
"открывать" - "to open"
"глаз" - "eye"
"море" - "sea"

R. Kipling


I Keep six honest serving-men:
(They taught me all I knew)
Their names are What and Where and When
And How and Why and Who
I send them over land and sea,
I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for me,
I give them all a rest.

I let them rest from nine till five.
For I am busy then,
As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea,
For they are hungry men:
But different folk have different views:
I know a person small -  
She keeps ten million serving-men,
Who get no rest at all!
She sends them abroad on her own affairs,
From the second she opens her eyes -
One million Hows, two million Wheres,
And seven million Whys!