- тренажер для запоминания слов

Как освоить иностранный язык. Ч.3

"возможно" - "arguably"
"деятельность" - "activity"
"темп" - "pace"
"субтитр" - "subtitle"
"способность" - "ability"
"разговорный" - "conversational"
"обычай" - "convention"
"обратить внимание на" - "to take note of"
"фраза" - "phrase"
"обращаться" - "to appeal"
"чувство юмора" - "sense of humour"
"при условии что" - "assuming"
"дневник" - "diary"
"добавлять" - "to add"
"запись" - "entry"
"приблизительно" - "roughly"
"навыки" - "skills"
"в качестве альтернативы" - "alternatively"
"договариваться" - "to arrange"
"друг по переписке" - "pen pal"
"полезный совет" - "tip"
"развивать" - "to cultivate"
"истинный" - "authentic"
"акцент" - "accent"

How to Master a Second Language

Part 3



5. Watch a film or listen to a song . Arguably one of the best activities that are open to you when learning a new language, watching a film or listening to music at a comfortable pace in the target language (with or without subtitles, depending on your ability) can help your vocabulary grasp to develop and help you to understand conversational conventions in the respective language. Take note of words or phrases which you do not know the meaning of, then learn them afterwards. TV series (телесериалы) are also a great way of doing this, especially if they appeal to your sense of humour (assuming you have one!)


6. Write it down. Keep a diary in the foreign language and add in entries every day (with a foreign dictionary), roughly a page long so as to improve your written skills in the language. Alternatively, you could arrange to converse via email or letters to a pen-pal/family friend who speaks the language, which is one of the most agreed upon methods of mastering the foreign tongue.


