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The Wish-Bird

уровень: для начинающих, раздел: сказки

Внимание: Настоятельно рекомендуем зарегистрироваться и войти под своим именем, тогда результаты будут сохранены, выученные слова будут сохраняться в личном словаре, и можно будет их повторять!
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Augusta Stevenson


TIME: a few years ago.

PLACE: the palace gardens.


[The PRINCE and his NURSE walk in the palace gardens. The WISH-BIRD is flying among the trees.]


PRINCE. I am tired of the gardens, Nurse.

NURSE. Look at your pretty flowers, dear Prince.

PRINCE. I am tired of the flowers.

NURSE. Look at your pretty doves, dear Prince.

PRINCE. I am tired of my doves.

NURSE. Then look at your white, white rabbits, Prince.

PRINCE. I am tired of my rabbits.

NURSE. Dear me! Dear me! (Боже мой!)

PRINCE. What shall I look at, Nurse?

NURSE. I do not know, dear Prince.

PRINCE. You must tell me what to look at.

NURSE. Dear me! Dear me!

PRINCE. I will send you to the king.

NURSE. Do not send me to the king, dear Prince!

PRINCE. Then tell me what to look at.

BIRD. Look at me, Prince! Look at me!

PRINCE. Where are you?

BIRD. I am in the cedar tree.

NURSE. It is the Wish-Bird, Prince!

BIRD. Make a wish, Prince. I will give you what you ask for. But do not ask too much!

PRINCE. I wish these flowers were feathers!

BIRD. Flowers, flowers, to feathers change!

PRINCE. Look, Nurse, look! The flowers have changed to feathers! Let me wish again, Wish-Bird!

BIRD. Make a wish. I will give you what you ask for. But do not ask too much!

PRINCE. I wish my rabbits with wings could fly!

BIRD. Rabbits, rabbits, fly with wings!

PRINCE. Ha, ha! My rabbits now have wings! Let me wish again, Wish-Bird!

BIRD. Make a wish. I will give you what you ask for. But do not ask too much!

PRINCE. I wish to have the moon, I do!

BIRD. Do not ask too much, Prince!

PRINCE. I wish to have the moon, I say! Do you hear, Wish-Bird? I wish to have the moon!

BIRD. You ask too much! Feathers, feathers, fly away!

NURSE. Prince, Prince, your feather flowers are flying away!

BIRD. Rabbits, rabbits, fly away!

NURSE. Prince, Prince, your pretty rabbits are flying away!

PRINCE. I want my pretty flowers, I do! I want my pretty rabbits, too!

BIRD. You asked too much, Prince! You asked too much!

PRINCE. What will the king say?

NURSE. Dear me! Dear me! The king loved the flowers and white, white rabbits.

PRINCE. What shall I do, Wish-Bird?

BIRD. Go plant flower seeds and care for them until they grow to flowers. Go feed your doves and care for them. Go work and work and work and never ask too much. Then some day I will come to you and you may wish again.

[The Wish-Bird flies away.]

Список слов

wish - желание, пожелание
bird - птица
time - время
place - место
palace - дворец
garden - сад
prince - принц
nurse - няня, сиделка
to walk - гулять, идти пешком
among - среди, посреди
tired - усталый, уставший
to look - смотреть, глядеть
pretty - милый, прелестный
flower - цветок
dove - голубь
rabbit - кролик
king - король
cedar - кедр
to ask - просить, спрашивать
feather - перо
to change - меняться, менять
to let (let, let) - позволять, разрешать
again - вновь, снова
wing - крыло
to fly (flew, flown) - летать
moon - луна
to want - хотеть
to plant - сажать, засаживать
seed - семя
to care - заботиться, беспокоиться
to grow (grew, grown) - расти, вырастать
to feed (fed, fed) - кормить, кормиться
to work - работать

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