- тренажер для запоминания слов

Whats the Weather Like Today

"смотреть" - "to look"
"окно" - "window"
"видеть" - "to see"
"погода" - "weather"
"подобный" - "like"
"сегодня" - "today"
"вместе" - "together"
"звук" - "sound"
"дерево" - "tree"
"ветреный" - "windy"
"летать" - "to fly"
"воздушный змей" - "kite"
"мокрый" - "wet"
"дождливый" - "rainy"
"прыгать" - "to jump"
"лужа" - "puddle"
"начинать" - "to start"
"очищать" - "to clear"
"облако" - "cloud"
"идти" - "to go"
"солнечный" - "sunny"
"плавать" - "to swim"
"холодный" - "cold"
"небо" - "sky"
"снежный" - "snowy"
"ловить" - "to catch"
"снежинка" - "snowflake"
"язык" - "tongue"

What's the Weather Like Today

(Hey, let’s look at the window and see what the weather is like today)

What's the weather,

What's the weather,

What's the weather like today?

All together, All together,

What's the weather like today?

(Oh, what’s that sound? Look at the trees)

Look it's windy,

Look it's windy,

Look it's windy, everyone.

Fly a kite,

Fly a kite,

Fly a kite, everyone.

(Oh, what’s that sound? We gonna get wet)

Look it's rainy,

Look it's rainy,

Look it's rainy, everyone.

Jump in the puddles,

Jump in the puddles,

Jump in the puddles, everyone.

(Oh, look. It’s starting to clear off. Clouds are going away)

Look it's sunny,

Look it's sunny,

Look it's sunny, everyone.

Let's go swimming,

Let's go swimming,

Let's go swimming, everyone.

(It’s so cold… What's that coming out of the sky

Look it's snowy,

Look it's snowy,

Look it's snowy, everyone.

Catch a snowflake,

Catch a snowflake,

Catch a snowflake, on your tongue.

What's the weather,

What's the weather,

What's the weather like today?

All together, All together,

What's the weather like today?