- тренажер для запоминания слов


"уксус" - "vinegar"
"полная ложка" - "spoonful"
"добавлять" - "to add"
"готовить" - "to cook"
"говядина" - "beef"
"мягкий" - "tender"
"корочка пирога" - "piecrust"
"расслоенный" - "flaky"
"попробовать" - "to try"
"смешивать" - "to mix"
"замачивать" - "to soak"
"вянуть" - "to wilt"
"овощ" - "vegetable"
"кипятить" - "to boil"
"оживать" - "to revive"
"быстро" - "quickly"
"букашка" - "bug"
"мыть" - "to wash"
"окно" - "window"
"краска" - "paint"
"чистить" - "to clean"
"пол" - "floor"
"лак" - "varnish"
"мочить" - "to wet"
"стирать" - "to rub off"
"одежда" - "clothing"
"вытирать губкой" - "to sponge"
"залоснившийся" - "shiny"
"энергично" - "vigorously"
"гладить" - "to press"
"как обычно" - "as usual"


A spoonful of vinegar added to the water when cooking corned beef will make it more tender.

To make piecrust flaky try adding one-half a spoonful of vinegar to the cold water before mixing.

Add vinegar to the water in which you soak wilted vegetables and they will revive quickly and any little bugs in them will come out.

Add vinegar to the water when washing windows or paint or cleaning floors.

If paint or varnish is on a window, wet it with hot vinegar and rub it off with a cent (монета в 1 цент).

To take the shine from clothing, sponge the shiny places with boiling hot vinegar, rubbing vigorously, then press as usual.