Словарный тренажер

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A very good investment

уровень: средний, раздел: рассказы

Внимание: Настоятельно рекомендуем зарегистрироваться и войти под своим именем, тогда результаты будут сохранены, выученные слова будут сохраняться в личном словаре, и можно будет их повторять!
Шаг 1
Словарный запас
Шаг 2
Тренажер слов

Словарный запас


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A very good investment

‘Now, James,’ said a businessman to his ten-year-old boy, ‘you are going to be a businessman, and it is time that we should begin to give you some practical lessons in the art and science of investing money. Here’s a half dollar. You take it and go downtown and invest it on your own hook (на свой страх и риск) and to the best advantage. I don’t care where you put it in, only so you put it where it will be safe and where you will get a good interest for your money.’

The boy took the silver (серебряную монету) and started off. In an hour he returned, reporting that he had made a good investment, and was going to get a hundred per cent (100%) interest.

‘Splendid!’ said the admiring father. ‘Where did you put it in?’

‘Well,’ said the boy, ‘I went downtown and walked around a while, wondering where I should find a good place, and by and by I came by a church, and there was a meeting, and they were singing, and I went in. It was a missionary (миссионерский) meeting, and the man was begging money for Missions, and he said if you gave him your money why the Lord (Бог) would send it back to you doubled - He would pay you a hundred per cent.’

‘I hope,’ expostulated his father, ‘you didn’t put that half dollar on the collection plate (блюдо для пожертвований)?’ ‘Yes, I did, father,’ said the boy, ‘and the man he said that the Lord is a good paymaster and that He’d send it back doubled.’

‘And you believed him! O pshaw ([pʃɔː] тьфу!), I’m utterly disappointed in you, James. You’ll never make a businessman. The idea of your believing such stuff like that. Why, that half dollar - you’ll never see it again, and that man - why, he’s nothing but a fakir (факир). O well - pshaw! I’ll give you another chance, and see that you do better this time. Here’s a dollar. Now you steer clear of all churches and missionary meetings this time’

‘Why, father!’ exclaimed the boy as he took the dollar, ‘why, that man was right after all. The Lord did send my half dollar back, and sooner than I looked for it - and doubled, too!’

Список слов

practical - практический, практичный
art - искусство
science - наука
downtown - в деловой части города, деловой район
to invest - вкладывать деньги, инвестировать
advantage - выгода, преимущество
to care - беспокоиться, волноваться
safe - находящийся в безопасности, безопасный
interest - проценты, интерес
silver - серебро, серебряный
to report - отчитываться, докладывать
splendid - отличный, великолепный
to admire - восхищаться, восторгаться
to wonder - размышлять, интересоваться
by and by - вскоре
church - церковь
to beg - просить, умолять
doubled - удвоенный, сдвоенный
to expostulate - стараться образумить, выражать несогласие
paymaster - кассир, казначей
to believe - верить, доверять
utterly - весьма, крайне
disappointed - разочарованный, разочаровавшийся
idea - мысль, идея
stuff - чепуха, материал
chance - шанс, случайность
to steer clear - держаться подальше
to exclaim - восклицать, воскликнуть
after all - в конце концов, тем не менее

Уроки с похожими словами, их стоит пройти для закрепления

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