- тренажер для запоминания слов

A. L. Barbauld. A Thought on Death

"бутон" - "bud"
"воображение" - "fancy"
"схватить" - "to seize"
"рвать" - "to tear"
"похитить" - "to snatch"
"покинутый" - "forlorn"
"скорбеть" - "to mourn"
"вера" - "faith"
"непоколебимый" - "firm"
"совесть" - "conscience"
"дух" - "spirit"
"приветствовать громкими возгласами" - "to cheer"
"воображать" - "to vision"
"слава" - "glory"
"триумф" - "triumph"
"конечность" - "limb"
"пленка" - "film"
"притуплять" - "to dim"
"зрение" - "sight"
"умственный" - "mental"
"драгоценный" - "precious"
"благо" - "boon"

Anna Laetitia Barbauld

A Thought on Death

When life as opening buds is sweet,
And golden hopes the fancy greet,
And Youth prepares his joys to meet,-
Alas! how hard it is to die!
When just is seized some valued prize,
And duties press, and tender ties
Forbid the soul from earth to rise,-
How awful then it is to die!
When, one by one, those ties are torn,
And friend from friend is snatched forlorn,
And man is left alone to mourn,-
Ah then, how easy 'tis to die!
When faith is firm, and conscience clear,
And words of peace the spirit cheer,
And visioned glories half appear,-
'Tis joy, 'tis triumph then to die.
When trembling limbs refuse their weight,
And films, slow gathering, dim the sight,
And clouds obscure the mental light,-
'Tis nature's precious boon to die.