- тренажер для запоминания слов

H. Belloc - The Microbe

"микроб" - "microbe"
"разглядеть" - "to make out"
"через" - "through"
"микроскоп" - "microscope"
"составной" - "jointed"
"язык" - "tongue"
"под" - "beneath"
"необычный" - "curious"
"ряд" - "row"
"зуб" - "tooth"
"растущий пучками" - "tufted"
"хвост" - "tail"
"красивый" - "lovely"
"розовый" - "pink"
"фиолетовый" - "purple"
"пятно" - "spot"
"узор" - "pattern"
"составлять" - "to compose"
"отдельный" - "separate"
"лента" - "band"
"бровь" - "eyebrow"
"неяркий" - "tender"
"ученый" - "scientist"
"уверять" - "to assure"
"сомневаться" - "to doubt"

Hilaire Belloc

             The Microbe

The Microbe is so very small
You cannot make him out at all,
But many sanguine people hope
To see him through a microscope.
His jointed tongue that lies beneath
A hundred curious rows of teeth;
His seven tufted tails with lots
Of lovely pink and purple spots,

On each of which a pattern stands,
Composed of forty separate bands;
His eyebrows of a tender green;
All these have never yet been seen -
But Scientists, who ought to know,
Assure us that they must be so. . . .
Oh! let us never, never doubt
What nobody is sure about!


Sanguine[‘sæŋgwin] – оптимистичный (литературно-книжное)

Ought to = should (who ought to know – те, кому следует это знать)