- тренажер для запоминания слов

The clock

"точный" - "neat"
"часы" - "clock"
"класс" - "schoolroom"
"стоять" - "to stand"
"показывать" - "to point"
"рука" - "hand"
"маленький" - "little"
"подобно" - "like"
"держать" - "to keep"
"лицо" - "face"
"чистый" - "clean"
"радостный" - "bright"
"готовый" - "ready"
"делать" - "to do"
"правильный" - "right"
"время" - "time"
"всегда" - "ever"

        THE CLOCK

There’s a neat little clock,
  In the schoolroom it stands,
And it points to the time
  With its two little hands.

And may we, like the clock,
  Keep a face clean and bright,
With hands ever ready
  To do what is right.