Словарный тренажер

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A thanksgiving story

уровень: для начинающих, раздел: рассказы

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Словарный запас
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Тренажер слов

Словарный запас


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(From ‘Boston Collection of Kindergarten Stories,’ J. L. Hammett Company.)

By Miss L. B. Pingree.

A three-minute story for the littlest boys and girls.

It was nearly time for Thanksgiving Day. The rosy apples and golden pumpkins were ripe, and the farmers were bringing them into the markets.

One day when two little children, named John and Minnie, were going to school, they saw the turkeys and chickens and pumpkins in the window of a market, and they exclaimed, ‘Oh, Thanksgiving Day! Oh, Thanksgiving Day!’ After school was over, they ran home to their mother, and asked her when Thanksgiving Day would be. She told them in about two weeks; then they began to talk about what they wanted for dinner, and asked their mother a great many questions. She told them she hoped they would have turkey and even the pumpkin pie they wanted so much, but that Thanksgiving Day was not given us so that we might have a good dinner, but that God had been a great many days and weeks preparing for Thanksgiving. He had sent the sunshine and the rain and caused the grains and fruit and vegetables to grow. And Thanksgiving Day was for glad and happy thoughts about God, as well as for good things to eat.

Not long after, when John and Minnie were playing, John said to Minnie, ‘I wish I could (хотел бы я) do something to tell God how glad I am about Thanksgiving.’ ‘I wish so, too,’ said Minnie. Just then some little birds came flying down to the ground, and Minnie said: ‘Oh, I know.’ Then she told John, but they agreed to keep it a secret till the day came. Now what do you think they did? Well, I will tell you.

They saved their pennies (пенни, пенс (денежная единица; равна 1/100 фунта стерлингов), and bought some corn, and early Thanksgiving Day, before they had their dinner, they went out into the street near their home, and scattered corn in a great many places. What for? Why, for the birds. While they were doing it, John said, ‘I know, Minnie, why you thought of the birds: because they do not have any papas and mammas after they are grown up to get a dinner for them on Thanksgiving Day.’ ‘Yes, that is why,’ said Minnie.

By and by the birds came and found such a feast, and perhaps they knew something about Thanksgiving Day and must have sung and chirped happily all day.

Список слов

minute - минута, мгновение
story - рассказ, повесть
nearly - почти, приблизительно
rosy - розовый, румяный
apple - яблоко
golden - золотистый, золотой
pumpkin - тыква
ripe - спелый, зрелый
farmer - фермер
market - рынок, базар
turkey - индейка, индюк
chicken - цыпленок, курица
to exclaim - восклицать, воскликнуть
to be over - закончиться, заканчиваться
week - неделя
question - вопрос
to hope - надеяться
pie - пирог
to prepare - готовиться, готовить
sunshine - солнечный свет
rain - дождь
to cause - послужить причиной, заставлять
grain - зерно, крупа
fruit - фрукты, фрукт
vegetable - овощ, растение
thought - мысль
as well as - а также и, так же как
bird - птица
to agree - соглашаться
secret - секрет, тайна
to save - копить деньги, спасать
to scatter - разбрасывать, рассыпать
to grow up - взрослеть
that is why - вот почему, именно поэтому
by and by - вскоре
feast - пир
perhaps - возможно, может быть
to chirp - чирикать

Уроки с похожими словами, их стоит пройти для закрепления

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