- тренажер для запоминания слов

The spork

"добиться успеха" - "to hit the big time"
"ложка" - "spoon"
"вилка" - "fork"
"нож" - "knife"
"комбинация" - "combo"
"цивилизация" - "civilization"
"дикая местность" - "wild"
"разрабатывать" - "to design"
"готовить" - "to cook"
"помешивать" - "to stir"
"накрывать на стол" - "to serve"
"уникальный" - "unique"
"размер" - "size"
"форма" - "shape"
"практичный" - "practical"
"костер" - "campfire"
"оборудовать" - "to equip"
"кухня" - "kitchen"
"салат" - "salad"
"просто" - "simply"
"жаростойкий" - "heat-resistant"
"материал" - "material"
"посудомоечная машина" - "dishwasher"
"безопасный" - "safe"
"легкий" - "easy"
"чистить" - "to clean"
"чрезвычайно" - "extremely"
"долговечный" - "durable"

The spork

The spork hits the big time. Our spoon-fork-knife combo brings a bit civilization to the wild and a bit of the wild to civilization.

The spork large is designed for cooking, stirring and serving. Its unique size and shape make it as practical by the campfire as in well-equipped kitchen, also great to use as a pair of salad servers (приборы для салата). Simply the best spoon-fork-knife combo. Made of heat-resistant material. Teflon-friendly (подходит для тефлонового покрытия) and dishwasher safe. Easy to clean. Extremely durable and light.