- тренажер для запоминания слов

E. Nesbit - The Gift Of Life

"подарок" - "gift"
"дикий" - "wild"
"и все же" - "yet still"
"момент" - "moment"
"звезда" - "star"
"пустыня" - "desert"
"сухой" - "dry"
"тоскливый" - "drear"
"увлажнять" - "to dew"
"проклятый" - "unblest"
"оазис" - "oasis"
"отдыхать" - "to rest"
"море" - "sea"
"ветреный" - "windy"
"брызги" - "spray"
"неистовый" - "fierce"
"свободный" - "free"
"остров" - "isle"
"очарованный" - "enchanted"
"величайший" - "supreme"
"короткий" - "brief"
"смягчаться" - "to relent"
"бессмертный" - "deathless"
"мечта" - "dream"

E. Nesbit

The Gift Of Life

Life is a night all dark and wild,
Yet still stars shine:
This moment is a star, my child -
Your star and mine.

Life is a desert dry and drear,
Undewed, unblest;
This hour is an oasis, dear;
Here let us rest.

Life is a sea of windy spray,
Cold, fierce and free:
An isle enchanted is to-day
For you and me.

Forget night, sea, and desert: take
The gift supreme,
And, of life’s brief relenting, make
A deathless dream.