- тренажер для запоминания слов

Диалог из фильма Lost in Translation

"расстраивать" - "to upset"
"быть должным" - "to be supposed to"
"ненавидеть" - "to hate"
"писатель" - "writer"
"фотографировать" - "to take pictures"
"посредственный" - "mediocre"
"фаза" - "phase"
"глупый" - "dumb"
"выяснить" - "to figure out"
"волноваться" - "to be worried"
"продолжать делать" - "to keep"
"убогий" - "mean"
"брак" - "marriage"
"смеяться" - "to laugh"
"скучать" - "to miss"
"намного больше" - "a whole lot more"
"сложный" - "complicated"
"страшный" - "scary"
"ужасающий" - "terrifying"
"возвращаться" - "to return"
"ходить пешком" - "to walk"
"оказаться" - "to turn out"
"восхитительный" - "delightful"

Charlotte: Does it get easier?

Bob: No. Yes. It gets easier

Charlotte: Oh yeah? Look at you.

Bob: Thanks. The more you know who you are and what you want, the less you let things upset you

Charlotte: yeah. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to be, you know? I tried to be a writer, but I hate what I write. And I tried taking pictures, but they’re so mediocre, you know? Every girl goes through a photography phase. You know, like horses? You know? Take, uh, dumb pictures of your feet.

Bob: You’ll figure that out. I’m not worried about you. Keep writing.

Charlotte: But I’m so mean.

Bob: Mean’s okay

Charlotte: Yeah? What about marriage? Does that get easier?

Bob: That’s hard. We used to have a lot of fun. Lydia would come with me, when I made the movies, and we would laugh about it all. Now she doesn’t want to leave the kids, and she doesn’t need me to be there. The kids miss me, but they’re fine. It gets a whole lot more complicated, when you have kids.

Charlotte: Yeh, it’s scary.

Bob: It’s the most terrifying day of your life the day the first one is born.

Charlotte: Yeah. Nobody ever tells you that.

Bob: Your life, as you know it, is gone. Never to return. But they learn how to walk, and they learn how to talk, and you want to be with them. And they turn out to be the most delightful people you will ever meet in your life.