- тренажер для запоминания слов

Kadebostany - Frozen To Death

"дельфин" - "dolphin"
"ловить в ловушку" - "to trap"
"бухта" - "bay"
"луна" - "moon"
"плакать" - "to cry"
"пасмурный" - "grey"
"замерзший" - "frozen"
"смерть" - "death"
"одинокий" - "alone"
"задыхаться" - "to be out of breath"
"крошечный" - "tiny"
"солдат" - "soldier"
"глина" - "clay"
"пронзать" - "to pierce"
"космический" - "cosmic"
"луч" - "ray"
"путь" - "way"
"запирать" - "to lock up"
"боль" - "ache"
"восхитительный" - "delightful"
"шербет" - "sorbet"
"молиться" - "to pray"
"удивленный" - "surprised"

Kadebostany - Frozen To Death

I'm a dolphin trapped in a bay

The moon is crying

Everything is grey

I wish I could run away

How much would you pay for me

How much would you pay

I am frozen to death

Alone in the night

I am out of breath

But I will fight

I am frozen to death

Alone in the night

I am out of breath

But I will fight

I'm a tiny soldier made of clay

I am pierced by a cosmic ray

Waiting to find my own way

I'm a woman locked up in an abbey (аббатство, монастырь)

My ache is a delightful sorbet

Would you pray for me

I am frozen to death

Alone in the night

I am out of breath

But I will fight

I am frozen to death

Alone in the night

I am out of breath

But I will fight

If you don’t know who you are

Don’t be surprised

The face you wear is not yours

Don’t know who you are

Don’t know who you are

I am frozen to death

Alone in the night

I am out of breath

But I will fight

I am frozen to death

Alone in the night

I am out of breath

But I will fight

But I will fight