- тренажер для запоминания слов

Be careful in supermarkets!

"внимательный" - "careful"
"продовольственный магазин" - "grocery store"
"маска" - "mask"
"защитные очки" - "goggles"
"безопасный" - "safe"
"ужасный" - "scary"
"решать" - "to decide"
"тянуть" - "to pull"
"возражать" - "to contradict"
"игнорировать" - "to ignore"
"сердитый" - "angry"
"прибывать" - "to arrive"
"снимать" - "to remove"

Be careful in supermarkets!!

My wife and I went to grocery. Of course, we had face masks and goggles to be safe. When we got there, wow, there were still too many people. Scary!

I decided, and I pulled my wife to go home cos we might even catch CoVid there…

But, contradicting me, she wanted to let go and didn’t want to go home!

Oh my goodness! I really dragged her back to the car.

In the car she ignored me and was angry… when we arrived home, when we removed face masks. She was not my wife

Be careful.