- тренажер для запоминания слов

Insect Repellent. Ч.2

"указания" - "direction"
"контейнер" - "container"
"брызгать" - "to spray"
"медленный" - "slow"
"широкий" - "sweeping"
"движение" - "motion"
"закрытый" - "enclosed"
"площадь" - "area"
"наносить" - "to apply"
"порез" - "cut"
"рана" - "wound"
"чрезмерно" - "excessively"
"обгоревший на солнце" - "sunburned"
"поврежденный" - "damaged"
"умеренно" - "sparingly"
"позволять" - "to allow"
"близкий" - "close"
"взрослый" - "adult"
"надзор" - "supervision"
"покрывать" - "to cover"
"незащищенный" - "exposed"
"передозировка" - "overexposure"
"частый" - "frequent"
"насыщение" - "saturation"
"ненужный" - "unnecessary"
"в помещении" - "indoors"
"мыло" - "soap"
"хранение" - "storage"
"жара" - "heat"
"пламя" - "flame"
"недоступный" - "inaccessible"

Insect Repellent

Part 2


Read all directions before using this product. Hold container 6 to 8 inches (15-20 см) from skin or clothing and spray with a slow sweeping motion. Do not spray in enclosed areas. Do not apply over cuts, wounds or irritated skin. Do not apply to excessively sunburned or damaged skin. Use sparingly on small children. Do not allow use by small children without close adult supervision. Use just enough repellent to cover exposed skin. Avoid overexposure. Frequent reapplication and saturation are unnecessary for effectiveness. Do not keep product on any longer than necessary. After returning indoors, wash treated skin with soap and water.

Storage: Store away from heat or flame in an area inaccessible to children.