- тренажер для запоминания слов

Как освоить иностранный язык. Ч.1

"овладевать" - "to master"
"культурный" - "cultural"
"мотивация" - "motivation"
"экономический" - "economic"
"фактор" - "factor"
"флиртовать" - "to flirt"
"бесчисленный" - "countless"
"выгода" - "benefit"
"погружать" - "to steep"
"целевой" - "target"
"соответствующий" - "respective"
"фантастический" - "fantastic"
"приспосабливать" - "to tune"
"загружать" - "to download"
"приложение" - "app"
"разнообразный" - "multiple"
"устройство" - "device"
"бесплатный" - "free of charge"
"доступ" - "access"
"множество" - "host"
"жанр" - "genre"
"канал" - "channel"
"соответствовать" - "to suit"
"садоводство" - "gardening"
"приучать" - "to accustom"
"тонкость" - "subtlety"
"разговорное слово" - "colloquialism"
"ритм" - "rhythm"
"шанс" - "opportunity"
"понимание" - "grasp"
"постепенно" - "gradually"
"мозг" - "brain"
"бегло" - "fluently"
"извлечь выгоду из" - "to take advantage of"

How to Master a Second Language

 Part 1

From cultural motivations and economic factors, to wanting to flirt in a foreign tongue, learning a second language comes with countless benefits. Follow these steps and you should be able to steep yourself on to the right path for mastering your target language, be it Spanish, French, English, Russian or even Urdu.



1. Listen to the radio. Listening to a radio show or even music broadcast (музыкальная передача) in the respective language is a fantastic way of tuning your ears in to the language's phonetics (фонетика). Many radio apps can be downloaded from app stores or the internet on multiple devices and many are free of charge, meaning you have access to a host of genres and channels to suit your interests.

2. Phone a friend. Having a friend who is like-minded (имеющий аналогичную точку зрения; объединенный схожими пристрастиями, привязанностями (с кем-л.)) in your motivation to master a foreign language can be a great opportunity to improve both yours and his/her's grasp. To begin with, an hours worth of conversation a day, slowly increased to two hours, then three hours and so forth will gradually accustom your brain to switching into the foreign language and getting your head around its grammar, vocabulary and sounds. Better still (еще лучше), if you have a family member or friend who can fluently speak your respective language, take advantage of this!

