- тренажер для запоминания слов

How to Be at Home in a New Place

"ужасный" - "scary"
"путешествие" - "travel"
"замечательный" - "remarkable"
"шаг" - "step"
"уверенный" - "confident"
"заменять" - "to replace"
"быстро" - "quickly"
"приспосабливаться" - "to adapt"
"дружелюбный" - "friendly"
"пытаться" - "to try"
"затруднительный" - "difficult"
"покидать" - "to leave"
"существовать" - "to exist"
"притворяться" - "to pretend"
"полностью признаться" - "to come clean"
"сущность" - "self"
"в конечном счете" - "eventually"
"обычный" - "regular"
"деятельность" - "activity"
"продолжать" - "to continue"
"забавный" - "fun"
"впечатление" - "impression"
"устроиться на новом месте" - "to settle in"
"полезный совет" - "tip"
"действующий совместно" - "associated"
"обычай" - "custom"
"традиция" - "tradition"
"иностранный" - "foreign"
"отправная точка" - "starting point"
"разговор" - "conversation"
"предупреждение" - "warning"

How to Be at Home in a New Place

It looks very scary if you are about to start a new school, travel and so on. But why don't you make it one of the most remarkable times of your life?


1. Be confident. I.e. (то есть, другими словами) replace words like no I can't with words like yes I will.

2. Make friends quickly. Friends that will help you to adapt quickly.

3. Be friendly to good people who are trying to make friends with you.

4. If some people are trying to be difficult, just leave them as if they don't exist.

5. When you are in a new place, just be yourself. Don't pretend you're something you're not, as it will be hard to pretend to be someone else and you will have to come clean about your true self eventually.

6. Don't stop the regular activities that you used to do at your old place, continue the good and fun ones so as to feel more at home.

7. In a new place or school, be nice. Make a good first impression on people, and you will settle in and make new friends faster.





Don't pretend to be someone you're not!

