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How to Host a Halloween Party. Ч.1
уровень: средний, раздел: How to...

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How to Host a Halloween Party
Part 1
Are you feeling like this Halloween (Хэллоуин) will be a bore? Then throwing a Halloween party may be just the thing for you (то, что вам нужно).
Method 1 Making a Haunted House O' Horrors
Hang up your decorations. Hang up black sheets on the walls using tacks (гвоздик с широкой шляпкой, кнопка). There's no need to cover the ceiling, because you can turn the lights off and put up strobe lights (импульсная лампа для создания спецэффектов). Get fog machines for added creepiness. You can cover your furniture with black sheets and sprinkle flour on them to make the room look old and dusty.
Prepare your sound effects. Put 1 or 2 CD players hidden behind the sheets, with creepy sound effect CDs in them—no one will know where the sound is coming from. Also, to kill two birds with one stone (убить двух зайцев сразу), get sound strobe lights.
Add extra effects. Hallways are best for extra effects, because you can split them up into 3 or more sections, such as the effects room, spider room, skeleton room, and just plain creepy room. Or you can mix it all up to be equally creepy.
Let the guests in. Hallways are also useful because they're normally at the front of the house. One person can lock the door at the end, and keep it closed for a while, then let them the guests in, where the party is just starting!
Список слов
to host - принимать гостей
bore - скука
to throw a party - организовать вечеринку, устраивать вечеринку
method - метод, способ
haunted house - дом с привидениями
horror - ужас, страх
decoration - украшение
sheet - простыня, лист
to cover - покрывать, накрывать
ceiling - потолок
fog - туман
to add - добавлять, прибавлять
creepy - вызывающий мурашки, бросающий в дрожь
furniture - мебель
to sprinkle - посыпать, брызгать
flour - мука
dusty - пыльный
to prepare - готовить, готовиться
sound - звук
extra - дополнительный, добавочный
hallway - коридор, проход
to split (split, split) - разбивать на части, раскалывать
section - секция, сечение
spider - паук
skeleton - скелет
plain - простой, очевидный
to mix - мешать, смешивать
equally - одинаково, равно
guest - гость
useful - полезный
normally - обычно
to lock - запирать