- тренажер для запоминания слов

Garlic Mashed Potatoes

"давить" - "to mash"
"картошка" - "potato"
"ингредиент" - "ingredient"
"средний" - "medium"
"снимать кожицу" - "to peel"
"делить на четыре части" - "to quarter"
"чеснок" - "garlic"
"долька" - "clove"
"чайная ложка" - "teaspoon"
"столовая ложка" - "tablespoon"
"оливковое масло" - "olive oil"
"соль" - "salt"
"щепотка" - "pinch"
"перец" - "pepper"
"указания" - "direction"
"помещать" - "to place"
"кастрюля" - "saucepan"
"покрывать" - "to cover"
"кипение" - "boil"
"уменьшать" - "to reduce"
"тепло" - "heat"
"мягкий" - "tender"
"сливать" - "to drain"
"откладывать" - "to reserve"
"жидкость" - "liquid"
"добавлять" - "to add"
"смесь" - "mixture"
"помешивать" - "to stir"
"однородный" - "smooth"

Garlic Mashed Potatoes




  1. Place potatoes and garlic in a large saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and cook for 15-20 minutes or until tender.
  2. Drain, reserving 2/3 cup cooking liquid. Mash potato mixture. Add the oil, salt, pepper and reserved liquid; stir until smooth.
