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Cook fish

уровень: средний, раздел: рецепты

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Directions for Broiling, Boiling and Frying Fish

Fish for boiling or broiling are the best the day after they are caught. They should be cleaned when first caught, washed in cold water, and half a tea cup of salt sprinkled on the inside of them. If they are to be broiled, sprinkle pepper on the inside of them - keep them in a cool place. When fish is broiled, the bars of the gridiron should be rubbed over with a little butter, and the inside of the fish put towards the fire, and not turned till the fish is nearly cooked through - then butter the skin side, and turn it over - fish should be broiled slowly. When fresh fish is to be boiled, it should either be laid on a fish strainer (металлический дуршлаг для вынимания рыбы), or sewed up in a cloth - if not, it is very difficult to take it out of the pot without breaking. Put the fish into cold water, with the back bone down. To eight or ten pounds of fish, put half of a small tea cup of salt. Boil the fish until you can draw out one of the fins easily - most kinds of fish will boil sufficiently in the course of twenty or thirty minutes, some kinds will boil in less time. Some cooks do not put their fish into the water till it boils, but it is not a good plan, as the outside gets cooked too much, and breaks to pieces before the inside is sufficiently done. Fish for frying, after being cleaned and washed, should be put into a cloth to have it absorb the moisture. They should be dried perfectly, and a little flour rubbed over them. No salt should be put on them, if you wish to have them brown well. For five or six pounds of fish, fry three or four slices of salt pork - when brown, take them up, and if they do not make fat sufficient to fry the fish in, add a little lard. When the fish are fried enough, take them up, and for good plain gravy, mix two or three tea spoonsful of flour with a little water, and stir it into the fat the fish was fried in - put in a little butter, pepper, and salt, if you wish to have the gravy rich - add spices, catsup and wine - turn the gravy over the fish. Boiled fish should be served up with drawn butter, or liver sauce. Fish, when put on the platter, should not be laid over each other if it can be avoided, as the steam from the under ones makes those on the top so moist, that they will break to pieces when served out.

Great care and punctuality is necessary in cooking fish. If not done sufficiently, or if done too much, they are not good. They should be eaten as soon as cooked. For a garnish to the fish, use parsley, a lemon, or eggs boiled hard, and cut in slices.

Список слов

direction - указания, направление
to broil - жарить на огне
to boil - варить, кипеть
to fry - жарить
to sprinkle - посыпать, брызгать
bar - решетка, брусок
gridiron - рашпер
to rub - тереть, тереться
towards - по направлению к, к моменту
to turn - поворачивать, поворачиваться
to butter - намазывать маслом
skin - кожа, шкура
to sew (sewed, sewn) - шить
cloth - ткань, скатерть
pot - кастрюля, горшок
back bone - позвоночник
to draw out - вытягивать
fin - плавник
sufficiently - достаточно, полностью
in the course of - в течение, в ходе
piece - кусок, штука
to absorb - впитывать, поглощать
dried - сухой, высушенный
flour - мука
slice - ломтик, ломоть
pork - свинина
fat - жирный, толстый
lard - свиное сало
gravy - подливка
to stir - помешивать, размешивать
catsup - кетчуп
drawn butter - топленое масло
liver - печень
platter - большое плоское блюдо
to avoid - избегать
steam - пар
moist - влажный, мокрый
care - внимание, забота
punctuality - пунктуальность, точность
necessary - необходимый, нужный
garnish - гарнир
parsley - петрушка

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