- тренажер для запоминания слов

Зависть. Ч.1

"посещать" - "to attend"
"один и тот же" - "the same"
"занимать" - "to occupy"
"скамья" - "bench"
"совершенно" - "entirely"
"разный" - "unlike"
"нрав" - "disposition"
"любимый" - "beloved"
"как правило" - "generally"
"добрый" - "gentle"
"любящий" - "affectionate"
"главный" - "chief"
"недостаток" - "fault"
"зависть" - "envy"
"потакать" - "to indulge"
"страсть" - "passion"
"низкий" - "base"
"одноклассник" - "schoolmate"
"хвалить" - "to praise"
"легкость" - "ease"
"совершать" - "to commit"
"поэтому" - "therefore"
"желать" - "to wish"
"навредить" - "to injure"
"в соответствии с" - "according to"
"привычка" - "custom"
"бездельничать" - "to idle"
"развлекать" - "to amuse"
"рвать" - "to tear"
"портить" - "to deface"
"способ" - "manner"
"жалоба" - "complaint"
"так" - "thus"
"наказывать" - "to punish"
"верить" - "to believe"
"поступок" - "action"


Part 1.

I once knew two little girls who attended the same school and occupied the same bench, yet who were entirely unlike each other in disposition, so that while Martha was beloved by all who knew her, Mary was as generally disliked. Martha was gentle, kind and affectionate; but Mary was of a very different spirit Her chief fault was envy, and so much did she indulge this base passion that she was unhappy whenever she heard one of her little school-mates praised. She was very unkind to Martha, for she envied her the ease with which her lessons were committed to memory, and more than all else she envied her the love of her kind teacher. Therefore she wished to injure Martha, and to take away that love.

One day Mary, being, according to her usual custom, idle, amused herself with tearing and defacing her books. After spending some time in this manner, she took them to her teacher, and with many loud complaints, told her that Martha had thus injured them. She hoped that Martha would have been punished, and that her school-mates would not love her so well, but would believe that she had done so wrong an action.