Словарный тренажер

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The Endless Tale

уровень: средний, раздел: сказки

Внимание: Настоятельно рекомендуем зарегистрироваться и войти под своим именем, тогда результаты будут сохранены, выученные слова будут сохраняться в личном словаре, и можно будет их повторять!
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Словарный запас
Шаг 2
Тренажер слов

Словарный запас


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Augusta Stevenson

The Endless Tale

TIME: a long time ago.
PLACE: the King's palace.

LORDS AND LADIES. (Лорды и леди)

[The KING sits on a cushion in the great hall. The PRINCESS sits on a cushion by him. In front of them sits the FIRST STORY-TELLER. The LORDS and LADIES sit near by.]

STORY-TELLER. Then the prince married the princess and they were happy forever and ever.

[There is a pause.]

KING. Go on!

(The Story-Teller hangs his head.)

Go on, I say!

STORY-TELLER. That is all, your Majesty (ваше Величество).

KING. All!

STORY-TELLER. The prince married the princess. There is nothing more to tell.

KING. I cannot bear so short a story!

PRINCESS. Why, father; for three months we have listened to it!

KING. Tis short, I say! I bid (уст. приказывать) you make it longer, sir!

STORY-TELLER. I cannot, Sire (ваше Величество, сир). The prince married the princess. There is nothing—

KING. Throw him out of the palace, guards! Cut off his head!

[Guards seize the Story-Teller.]


LORDS. Your Majesty!


PRINCESS. Spare his life!

STORY-TELLER. Let me keep my head, Sire!

KING. Why should you keep it? You do not use it.

STORY-TELLER. For three months I have used it, Sire!

KING. Your story is too short, I say! Away with him, guards! Away!

(Guards take out the First Story-Teller.)

Bid another Story-Teller come!

(A guard admits the SECOND STORY-TELLER, who bows before the King and Princess.)

Sir, hear me. You must tell a story that will last forever.


KING. If you can do this, you shall marry my daughter and be king after me.


KING. If you fail, you shall lose your head. Begin! And remember, the story must go on forever. Now again I say, begin!

SECOND STORY-TELLER. Once upon a time a certain king seized upon all the corn in his country. He had it stored in a strong granary (амбар для хранения зерна, зернохранилище). Then came a swarm of locusts over the land. Soon they found a crack in the south side of the granary. Now the crack was just large enough for one locust to pass through at a time. So one locust went in and carried away a grain of corn. Then another locust went in and carried away a grain of corn. Then another locust went in and carried away a grain of corn. Then -

KING (interrupting). Yes, yes! Now go on with the story.

SECOND STORY-TELLER. The story shall go on, O King! Then another locust went in and carried away another grain of corn. Then another locust -

KING (interrupting). I tell you to go on with the story!

SECOND STORY-TELLER. I obey, great King. Then another locust went in and carried away another grain of corn. Then another -

KING. The story! The story, I tell you!

SECOND STORY-TELLER. This is the story, O King! Then another locust went in and carried away another grain of corn. Then -

KING. I cannot stand it! How long will it take the locusts to carry away all the grain?

SECOND STORY-TELLER. One thousand years, O King! Then another locust went in and

KING. Stop! Stop! Take my daughter! Be king after me! Be king now! Anything to stop the locusts!

Список слов

endless - бесконечный
tale - сказка, рассказ
palace - дворец
king - король
princess - принцесса
guard - стража, охрана
cushion - диванная подушка
hall - зал, усадьба
near by - рядом
prince - принц
to marry - жениться, женить
pause - пауза, перерыв
to go on - продолжать, справляться
short - короткий, низкий
long - длинный, долгий
to cut off - отрубить, отрезать
to seize - схватить, хватать
to spare - щадить, беречь
to admit - впускать, признавать
to bow - кланяться, гнуть
to last - длиться, продолжаться
to fail - потерпеть неудачу, подвести
to remember - помнить, вспоминать
certain - некий, определенный
corn - кукуруза, зерно
country - страна
to store - хранить
strong - прочный, сильный
swarm - рой, стая
locust - саранча
land - земля, суша
crack - трещина, треск
south - южный, юг
side - сторона, бок
at a time - за раз
grain - зерно, крупа
to interrupt - перебивать, прерывать
to obey - подчиняться, слушаться

Уроки с похожими словами, их стоит пройти для закрепления

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