Словарный тренажер

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To Boil Eggs

уровень: средний, раздел: рецепты

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Шаг 1
Словарный запас
Шаг 2
Тренажер слов

Словарный запас


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To Boil Eggs

They should be put into boiling water, and if you wish to have them soft, boil them only three minutes. If you wish to have them hard enough to cut in slices, boil them five minutes. Another way which is very nice, is to break the shells, and drop the eggs into a pan of scalding hot water, let it stand till the white has set, then put the pan on a moderate fire, when the water boils up, the eggs are cooked sufficiently. Eggs look very prettily cooked in this way, the yolk being just visible through the white.


Beat the eggs to a froth, and to a dozen of eggs put three ounces (унция) of finely minced boiled ham, beef, or veal; if the latter meat is used, add a little salt. Melt a quarter of a pound of butter, mix a little of it with the eggs - it should be just lukewarm. Set the remainder of the butter on the fire, in a frying or tin pan, when quite hot, turn in the eggs beaten to a froth, stir them until they begin to set. When brown on the underside, it is sufficiently cooked. The omelet should be cooked on a moderate fire, and in a pan small enough, to have the omelet an inch (дюйм) thick. When you take them up, lay a flat dish on them, then turn the pan upside down.

Список слов

to boil - варить, кипеть
egg - яйцо
slice - ломтик, ломоть
shell - скорлупа, раковина
to drop - лить, капать
pan - кастрюля, сковорода
scalding - обжигающий
white - белок яйца, белый
to set (set, set) - затвердевать, помещать
moderate - средний, умеренный
sufficiently - полностью, достаточно
prettily - красиво
way - способ, путь
yolk - желток яйца
visible - видимый
omelet - омлет
froth - пена
dozen - дюжина, множество
finely - тонко
to mince - крошить, рубить
ham - ветчина, окорок
beef - говядина
veal - телятина
to melt - растапливать, таять
lukewarm - тепловатый
remainder - остаток
tin - жестяной, жестянка
to stir - помешивать, размешивать
underside - обратная сторона
flat - плоский, ровный
dish - блюдо, грязная посуда
to beat eggs - взбивать яйца

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