- тренажер для запоминания слов

Шерлок Холмс при смерти. Ч.7

"оказываться" - "to prove"
"неопределенный" - "vague"
"пограничная область" - "borderland"
"данный" - "particular"
"останавливаться" - "to pull up"
"чопорный" - "smug"
"вид" - "air"
"сдержанный" - "demure"
"респектабельность" - "respectability"
"старомодный" - "old-fashioned"
"железный" - "iron"
"изгородь" - "railings"
"массивный" - "massive"
"раздвижные двери" - "folding door"
"медный" - "brass"
"соответствие" - "keeping"
"внушительный" - "solemn"
"дворецкий" - "butler"
"обрамлять" - "to frame"
"сияние" - "radiance"
"окрашенный" - "tinted"
"скромный" - "humble"
"раздражительный" - "petulant"
"пронзительный" - "penetrating"
"поток" - "flow"
"успокаивающий" - "soothing"
"шепот" - "murmur"
"затруднять" - "to hinder"
"беспокойно метаться" - "to toss"
"проворство" - "promptness"
"извиняющийся" - "apologetic"
"доставлять" - "to deliver"

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


Part 7

Lower Burke Street proved to be a line of fine houses lying in the vague borderland between Notting Hill and Kensington. The particular one at which my cabman pulled up had an air of smug and demure respectability in its old-fashioned iron railings, its massive folding-door, and its shining brasswork. All was in keeping with a solemn butler who appeared framed in the pink radiance of a tinted electrical light behind him.

‘Yes, Mr. Culverton Smith is in. Dr. Watson! Very good, sir, I will take up your card.’

My humble name and title did not appear to impress Mr. Culverton Smith. Through the half-open door I heard a high, petulant, penetrating voice.

‘Who is this person? What does he want? Dear me, Staples, how often have I said that I am not to be disturbed in my hours of study?’

There came a gentle flow of soothing explanation from the butler.

‘Well, I won’t see him, Staples. I can’t have my work interrupted like this. I am not at home. Say so. Tell him to come in the morning if he really must see me.’

Again the gentle murmur.

‘Well, well, give him that message. He can come in the morning, or he can stay away. My work must not be hindered.’

I thought of Holmes tossing upon his bed of sickness and counting the minutes, perhaps, until I could bring help to him. It was not a time to stand upon ceremony (не время церемониться). His life depended upon my promptness. Before the apologetic butler had delivered his message I had pushed past him and was in the room.