- тренажер для запоминания слов

The Dog And The Shadow

"пересекать" - "to cross"
"река" - "river"
"кусок" - "piece"
"мясо" - "meat"
"рот" - "mouth"
"тень" - "shadow"
"отраженный" - "reflected"
"решать" - "to resolve"
"хозяин" - "master"
"тоже" - "also"
"хватать" - "to snap"
"предполагаемый" - "supposed"
"сокровище" - "treasure"
"ронять" - "to drop"
"нести" - "to carry"
"ухватиться" - "to grasp"
"нечто реальное" - "substance"
"общий" - "common"
"участь" - "fate"
"рисковать" - "to hazard"
"настоящий" - "real"
"благо" - "blessing"
"воображаемый" - "visionary"

The Dog And The Shadow

A Dog was crossing a river, with a piece of meat in his mouth, when he saw his own shadow reflected in the stream below. Thinking that it was another dog, with a piece of meat, he resolved to make himself master of that also; but in snapping at the supposed treasure he dropped the bit he was carrying, and so lost all.

Grasp at the shadow, and lose the substance; - the common fate of those who hazard a real blessing for a visionary good.