- тренажер для запоминания слов

The Cock And The Jewel

"петух" - "cock"
"рыться" - "to scratch"
"солома" - "straw"
"ферма" - "farm"
"двор" - "yard"
"поиск" - "search"
"пища" - "food"
"курица" - "hen"
"наталкиваться" - "to hit upon"
"драгоценный камень" - "jewel"
"случайность" - "chance"
"попасть" - "to find the way"
"хороший" - "fine"
"вещь" - "thing"
"без сомнения" - "no doubt"
"оценивать по достоинству" - "to prize"
"давать" - "to give"
"ячмень" - "barley"
"зерно" - "corn"
"жемчуг" - "pearl"
"мир" - "world"
"здравомыслящий" - "sensible"
"глупый" - "silly"
"люди" - "people"
"презирать" - "to despise"
"драгоценный" - "precious"
"только" - "only"
"понимать" - "to understand"

The Cock And The Jewel

As a Cock was scratching up the straw, in a farm-yard, in search of food for the hens, he hit upon a Jewel that by some chance had found its way there. ‘Ho!’ said he, ‘you are a very fine thing, no doubt, to those who prize you; but give me a barley-corn before all the pearls in the world.’

The Cock, in this, was sensible; but there are many silly people who despise what is precious only because they cannot understand it.