Словарный тренажер

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Золушка. Часть 8

уровень: средний, раздел: сказки

Внимание: Настоятельно рекомендуем зарегистрироваться и войти под своим именем, тогда результаты будут сохранены, выученные слова будут сохраняться в личном словаре, и можно будет их повторять!
Шаг 1
Словарный запас
Шаг 2
Тренажер слов

Словарный запас


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Part 8

What they said was very true, for a few days after the King’s son caused it to be proclaimed, by sound of trumpet, that he would marry her whose foot this slipper would just fit. They whom he employed began to try it upon the Princesses, then the Duchesses (среди герцогинь) and all the Court (при Дворе), but in vain. It was brought to the two sisters, who did all they possibly could to thrust their feet into the slipper (которые делали все, что только могли, чтобы засунуть ногу в туфельку), but they could not effect it.

On the following morning there was a great noise of trumpets and drums, and a procession (процессия) passed through the town, at the head of which rode the King’s son. Behind him came a herald (глашатай), bearing a velvet cushion (подушечку), upon which rested a little glass slipper. The herald blew a blast upon the trumpet (затрубил в трубу), and then read a proclamation saying that the King’s son would wed any lady in the land who could fit the slipper upon her foot, if she could produce another to match it.

Of course, the sisters tried to squeeze their feet into the slipper, but it was of no use (но это было бесполезно) - they were much too large. Then Cinderella shyly begged that she might try. How the sisters laughed with scorn when the Prince knelt to fit the slipper on the cinder maid’s foot; but what was their surprise when it slipped on with the greatest ease, and the next moment Cinderella produced the other from her pocket! Once more (еще через мгновение) she stood in the slippers, and once more the sisters saw before them the lovely Princess who was to be the Prince’s bride. For at the touch of the magic shoes the little gray frock (платье) disappeared forever, and in place of it she wore the beautiful robe the fairy Godmother had given to her.

The sisters hung their heads with sorrow and vexation (досадой); but kind little Cinderella put her arms round their necks, kissed them, and forgave them for all their unkindness, so that they could not help but love her.

The Prince could not bear to part from his little love again, so he carried her back to the palace in his grand coach, and they were married that very day (в тот же день). Cinderella’s stepsisters were present at the feast, but in the place of honor sat the fairy Godmother.

So the poor little cinder maid married the Prince, and in time they came to be King and Queen, and lived happily ever after.

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Список слов

to cause - заставлять, добиваться
to proclaim - объявлять, провозглашать
trumpet - труба
to marry - жениться, женить
to employ - предоставлять работу, нанимать
in vain - напрасно, тщетно
to thrust ( thrust, thrust) - засовывать, колоть
to effect - осуществлять, совершать
noise - шум
drum - барабан
to pass - проходить, происходить
to ride (rode, ridden) - ездить верхом, ехать
to bear (bore, born) - нести, носить
to rest - покоиться, отдыхать
to produce - предъявлять, производить
to match - соответствовать, подбирать под пару
shyly - робко, застенчиво
to beg - просить, умолять
scorn - презрение, пренебрежение
to kneel (knelt, knelt) - становиться на колени, стоять на коленях
ease - легкость, облегчение
to slip on - надевать, накинуть
pocket - карман
bride - невеста
to disappear - исчезать, исчезнуть
sorrow - сожаление, печаль
to part - расставаться, разлучаться
present - присутствующий, настоящий
feast - пир

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