- тренажер для запоминания слов

The Christmas Fires

"рождество" - "Christmas"
"светиться" - "to gleam"
"сук" - "bough"
"пудинг" - "pudding"
"пряный" - "spicy"
"пар" - "steam"
"аромат" - "fragrance"
"наполнять" - "to fill"
"развеселиться" - "to grow merry"
"дружелюбный" - "friendly"
"душа" - "soul"
"пениться" - "to foam"
"чаша" - "bowl"
"сверкающий" - "resplendent"
"утяжеленный" - "weighted"
"подарок" - "gift"
"веселье" - "glee"
"радостный" - "joyous"
"речь" - "tongue"
"парень" - "lad"
"девушка" - "lass"
"праздничный" - "festive"
"морозный" - "frosty"
"голос" - "voice"
"и вдруг" - "lo"
"увенчивать" - "to crown"
"голый" - "bare"
"чистый" - "clear"
"воспевать" - "to carol"

Anne P. L. Field

The Christmas Fires

The Christmas fires brightly gleam
And dance among the holly boughs,
The Christmas pudding's spicy steam
With fragrance fills the house,
While merry grows each friendly soul
Over the foaming wassail bowl.

Resplendent stands the glittering tree,
Weighted with gifts for old and young,
The children's faces shine with glee,
And joyous is each tongue,
While lads and lassies come and go
Under the festive mistletoe.

When suddenly the frosty air
Is filled with music, voices sweet,
Lo! see the Christmas waits are there
Snow-crowned and bare of feet,
Yet high and clear their voices ring,
And glad their Christmas carolling.


holly [ˈhɒlɪ] – остролист (holly wreaths — венки из ветвей остролиста (рождественское украшение))

wassail [ˈwɒseɪl] - рождественский пунш

mistletoe [ˈmɪst(ə)ltəʊ] – омела (в Англии традиционное украшение дома на Рождество)

waits - певцы, ходящие с песнями по домам на Рождество, христославы