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How to Choose a Pet for Your Family. Ч.2

уровень: средний, раздел: How to...

Внимание: Настоятельно рекомендуем зарегистрироваться и войти под своим именем, тогда результаты будут сохранены, выученные слова будут сохраняться в личном словаре, и можно будет их повторять!
Шаг 1
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Шаг 2
Тренажер слов

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How to Choose a Pet for Your Family

Part 2

2. Recognize your family dynamics (динамика) before getting a pet. If you have young children, determine whether you want a large dog. If you do, then learn which dogs are good with children. If you stay at home with young children who cannot help with the pets, ask yourself if you have time to clean out a bunny or bird cage.

3. Think about the type of lifestyle you lead and whether a pet can fit into it. If you travel a lot as a family, determine what kind of pet can be alone with just someone popping in to feed it. You could also get a pet that can travel with you. You don't want to get a pet for the family that stays home alone or at a pet care facility (гостиница для домашних животных) most of its time.

4. Understand that young children often don't follow through on promises of taking care of pets. For this reason, you may decide to get a pet that is low maintenance. A bunny or bird needs their cages to be cleaned. The novelty usually wears off pretty quickly. You will likely find yourself nagging your child about cleaning out the cage, so ask yourself if you are willing to do that on a regular basis, or even clean out the cage yourself.

5. Decide whether you want a baby pet or one that is full grown. Full grown dogs and cats may be harder to train since they are often set in their ways (имеют свой взгляд), especially the latter. Adopted older pets may also have been mistreated and have concerns. Ask about an older pet's history before getting it. You don't want to get a dog or cat that is not safe for children.


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Список слов

to recognize - осознавать, узнавать
to determine - определять, решать
to clean - чистить, очищать
bunny - кролик
bird - птица
cage - клетка
lifestyle - стиль жизни, образ жизни
to fit (fit, fit) - приспосабливаться, быть впору
to travel - путешествовать
to pop in - забегать, заглядывать
promise - обещание
reason - причина, разум
novelty - новизна, новинка
to wear off - проходить, ослабевать
likely - вероятно, вероятный
to nag - придираться, привязываться
to train - дрессировать, тренироваться
latter - последний
to adopt - усыновлять, принимать
to mistreat - плохо обращаться
concern - беспокойство, забота
history - история
safe - безопасный

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