- тренажер для запоминания слов

How to Choose a Pet for Your Family. Ч.1

"домашнее животное" - "pet"
"решение" - "decision"
"обдумывать" - "to consider"
"фактор" - "factor"
"просматривать" - "to review"
"шаг" - "step"
"финансы" - "finance"
"дорогой" - "expensive"
"заботиться о" - "to take care of"
"золотая рыбка" - "goldfish"
"кормить" - "to feed"
"обслуживать" - "to maintain"
"резервуар" - "tank"
"первоначальный" - "initial"
"расход" - "expense"
"покупать" - "to purchase"
"камень" - "rock"
"украшение" - "decoration"
"тропический" - "tropical"
"пресная вода" - "fresh water"
"требовать" - "to require"
"оборудование" - "equipment"
"фильтр" - "filter"
"обогреватель" - "heater"
"игрушка" - "toy"
"регулярный" - "regular"
"проверка" - "checkup"
"периодический" - "seasonal"
"лечение" - "medication"
"навлекать на себя" - "to incur"
"основа" - "basis"
"выбирать" - "to select"
"больной" - "sick"
"ветеринар" - "vet"
"счет" - "bill"

How to Choose a Pet for Your Family

Part 1

When buying a pet for your family, take the time to learn which pet is right. It is a subjective (субъективный) decision that should take a lot of thought and consideration. There are many factors to consider when buying a pet. Review the following list for steps to take if you want to choose the right pet for the family.


1. Consider your finances before choosing a family pet. Some pets are more expensive to take care of than others. With a goldfish, you just need to feed it and maintain its tank, after the initial expense of purchasing a tank, rocks and decorations. Tropical fish, whether they are fresh water or salt, are more expensive and require more equipment, such as a filter and heater. Larger pets, such as dogs and cats need more food, beds and toys. They also need regular checkups and seasonal medications. Consider the expenses incurred on a regular basis when selecting a pet. Remember also, that when a pet gets older or sick, the vet bills are larger.
