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How to Calculate Cost of Travel. Ч.2

уровень: средний, раздел: How to...

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Шаг 1
Словарный запас
Шаг 2
Тренажер слов

Словарный запас


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How to Calculate Cost of Travel

Part 2

2. Include all costs that are incurred while traveling.

  • Food and drink - If you travel for an extended period of time, you will need to stop for food and drink, or you may opt to pack food and drink. Either way, you must include this expense in your cost of travel calculation.
  • Lodging - For trips that require driving for more than 1 day, you will need to stop over somewhere to get some sleep. Unless you opt to pull to the side of the road and sleep in your vehicle, you will need to add the cost of lodging to your overall travel costs.
  • Tolls - Many road routes have a series of toll booths that you must stop at as you travel. The cost of tolls can add up, especially if you are on a long road trip.
  • Parking - If you opt to take a plane, train or bus, then you may need to add the cost of storing your automobile in a parking lot or garage to your travel costs.
  • Depreciation - Any time you drive your vehicle, the value of your vehicle depreciates, and that figure must be added to your cost of travel calculation. Depreciation can be figured by multiplying the average cost of depreciation, 27 cents per 1 mile (5 cents per 1.6 km), by the distance you will be traveling.

3. If you have to, consider time taken off work. When figuring the cost to travel, the time you miss from work must be added to the equation (баланс). Take the number of hours you will be missing and multiply that by the amount of money you make per hour.


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Список слов

to include - включать, включать в себя
extended - длительный, протянутый
to opt - выбирать, предпочитать
to pack - упаковывать
expense - затрата, расход
lodging - жилище, жилье
to stop over - остановиться в пути, сделать остановку
road - дорога, путь
side of the road - обочина
overall - полный, общий
toll - плата за услуги, пошлина
route - трасса, дорога
series - ряд, последовательность
booth - будка, киоск
to add up - прибавить, складывать
especially - особенно, в особенности
parking - автостоянка
garage - гараж
to store - хранить
to depreciate - обесцениваться, обесценивать
to take a day off - взять выходной
to miss - пропустить, скучать

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