- тренажер для запоминания слов

Emily Bronte - I Know Not How It Falls on Me

"беззвучный" - "hushed"
"одинокий" - "lone"
"слабый" - "faint"
"ветер" - "wind"
"успокаивающе" - "soothingly"
"старый" - "olden"
"звук" - "tone"
"избегать" - "to shun"
"нежный" - "gentle"
"приветствие" - "greeting"
"земля" - "earth"
"воздух" - "air"
"печаль" - "sorrow"
"иссушать" - "to wither"
"сильный" - "strong"
"отчаяние" - "despair"

Emily Bronte

I Know Not How It Falls on Me

I KNOW not how it falls on me,

This summer evening, hushed and lone;

Yet the faint wind comes soothingly

With something of an olden tone.

Forgive me if I've shunned so long

Your gentle greeting, earth and air!

But sorrow withers e'en the strong,

And who can fight against despair?