- тренажер для запоминания слов

Шутка о тонущей лодке

"лодка" - "boat"
"тонуть" - "to sink"
"капитан" - "captain"
"поднимать" - "to lift"
"голос" - "voice"
"молиться" - "to pray"
"уверенно" - "confidently"
"ответ" - "answer"
"спрашивать" - "to ask"
"кивнуть головой" - "to nod"
"заявлять" - "to declare"
"действовать на свое усмотрение" - "to go ahead"
"остальные" - "the rest of us"
"надевать" - "to put on"
"спасательный пояс" - "life belt"
"нехватка" - "short"

As the boat was sinking, the skipper lifted his voice to ask:

‘Does anybody know how to pray?’

One man spoke confidently in answer:

‘Yes, Captain, I do.’

The captain nodded.

‘That's all right then,’ he declared. ‘You go ahead and pray. The rest of us will put on life-belts. They're one short.’