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Beyonce, Shakira - Beautiful Liar

уровень: сложный, раздел: тексты песен

Внимание: Настоятельно рекомендуем зарегистрироваться и войти под своим именем, тогда результаты будут сохранены, выученные слова будут сохраняться в личном словаре, и можно будет их повторять!
Шаг 1
Словарный запас
Шаг 2
Тренажер слов

Словарный запас


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Beyonce, Shakira - Beautiful Liar 

Ay, Ay, Ay
Nobody likes being played
Beyonce, Beyonce
Shakira, Shakira (hey)


[Beyonce] He said I'm worth it, his one desire
[Shakira] I know things about him that
you wouldn't wanna read about
[Beyonce] He kissed me, his one and only,
(yes) beautiful Liar
[Shakira] Tell me how you tolerate the things
that you just found out about


[Shakira] You never know
[Beyonce] Why are we the ones who suffer
[Shakira] I have to let go
[Beyonce] He won't be the one to cry (он-то не будет плакать)


[Beyonce] (Ay) Let's not kill the karma
(Ay) Let's not start a fight
(Ay) It's not worth the drama
For a beautiful liar
[Shakira] (Oh) Did he laugh about it
(Oh) It's not worth our time
(Oh) We can live without him
Just a beautiful liar

[Shakira] I trusted him, but when I followed you,
I saw you together
[Beyonce] I didn't know about you then
till I saw you with him again
[Shakira] I walked in on your love scene,
slow dancing
[Beyonce] You stole everything,
how can you say I did you wrong

[Shakira] You never know
[Beyonce] When the pain and heartbreak's over
[Shakira] I have to let go
[Beyonce] The innocence is gone


[Beyonce] (Ay) Let's not kill the karma
(Ay) Let's not start a fight
(Ay) It's not worth the drama
For a beautiful liar
[Shakira] (Oh) Did he laugh about it
(Oh) It's not worth our time
(Oh) We can live without him
Just a beautiful liar


[Shakira] Tell me how to forgive you
When it's me who's ashamed
[Beyonce] And I wish I could free you
Of the hurt and the pain
(Both) But the answer is simple
He's the one to blame


Beyonce, Beyonce
Shakira, Shakira
Beyonce, Beyonce
Shakira, Shakira (hey)


[Beyonce] (Ay) Let's not kill the karma
(Ay) Let's not start a fight
(Ay) It's not worth the drama
For a beautiful liar
[Shakira] (Oh) Did he laugh about it
(Oh) It's not worth our time
(Oh) We can live without him
Just a beautiful liar

Список слов

worth - заслуживающий, стоящий
desire - страстное желание
to tolerate - терпеть, выносить
to find out - обнаружить, выяснить
to suffer - страдать
to let go - отпускать
karma - судьба, карма
fight - драка, борьба
drama - драма, трагедия
to trust - доверять, верить
scene - сцена
to steal (stole, stolen) - красть
pain - боль, горе
innocence - наивность, невинность
to forgive (forgave, forgiven) - прощать
ashamed - пристыженный
to blame - обвинять, винить
hurt - рана, ушиб

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