Словарный тренажер

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Али-Баба и сорок разбойников. Ч.4

уровень: средний, раздел: сказки

Внимание: Настоятельно рекомендуем зарегистрироваться и войти под своим именем, тогда результаты будут сохранены, выученные слова будут сохраняться в личном словаре, и можно будет их повторять!
Шаг 1
Словарный запас
Шаг 2
Тренажер слов

Словарный запас


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Part 4.

The captain of the robbers arose to assemble his men. Coming to the first jar, he felt the steam of the boiled oil! He ran hastily to the rest, and found every one of his troop put to death. Full of rage, he forced the lock of the door, and made his escape over the walls.

Without letting any one into the secret, Ali Baba and Morgiana the next night buried the thirty-nine thieves at the bottom of the garden. The captain at length, however, determined to adopt a new scheme for the destruction of Ali Baba. He removed all the valuable merchandise from the cave to the city, and took a shop exactly opposite to Ali Baba's house. Ali Baba's son went every day to his shop. The pretended Cogia Hassan soon appeared to be very fond of Ali Baba's son, offered him many presents, and often detained him to dinner.

Ali Baba thought it was necessary to make some return to these civilities, and he invited Cogia Hassan to supper; Morgiana carried in the first dish herself. The moment she looked at Cogia Hassan, she knew it was the pretended oil merchant. She sent the other slaves into the kitchen, and waited at table herself; and while Cogia Hassan was drinking, she perceived he had a dagger hid under his coat. She went away, and dressed herself in the habit (одеяние) of a dancing-girl. As soon as she appeared at the parlor door, her master ordered her to come in to entertain his guest with some of her best dancing. Morgiana danced several times before the assembled company, until, coming opposite Cogia Hassan, she drew a dagger from her girdle and plunged it into the robber's heart. As a reward for her faithfulness, Ali Baba gave her in marriage to his son, and at his death put them in possession of his immense wealth.

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Список слов

to assemble - созывать, собирать
steam - пар
the rest - остальные
rage - ярость, гнев
lock - замок
escape - побег, бегство
at length - наконец, в итоге
to determine - решать, определять
to adopt - принимать, усыновлять
scheme - план, схема
destruction - уничтожение, разрушение
valuable - ценный
merchandise - товары, товар
exactly - точно, в точности
to appear - казаться, появляться
fond - любящий
to detain - задерживать, арестовывать
necessary - необходимый, нужный
return - ответ, возвращение
civility - любезность, вежливость
to perceive - осознавать, воспринимать
dagger - кинжал
to dress - одеваться, одевать
parlour - гостиная
to order - приказывать, заказывать
to entertain - развлекать, занимать
company - компания, общество
girdle - пояс, ремень
to plunge - погружать, окунать
reward - награда, поощрение
faithfulness - верность, преданность
immense - огромный, необъятный
wealth - богатство, состояние

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