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уровень: сложный, раздел: книги

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Тренажер слов

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The Stalled Ox

Part 1

Theophil Eshley was an artist by profession, a cattle painter by force of environment.  It is not to be supposed that he lived on a ranch (ранчо) or a dairy farm, in an atmosphere pervaded with horn and hoof, milking-stool (скамеечка для доения), and branding-iron (железное тавро).  His home was in a park-like, villa-dotted district that only just escaped the reproach of being suburban.  On one side of his garden there abutted a small, picturesque meadow, in which an enterprising neighbour pastured some small picturesque cows of the Channel Island (Нормандские острова) persuasion (род, сорт).  At noonday in summertime the cows stood knee-deep in tall meadow-grass under the shade of a group of walnut trees, with the sunlight falling in dappled patches on their mouse-sleek coats.  Eshley had conceived and executed a dainty picture of two reposeful milch-cows in a setting of walnut tree and meadow-grass and filtered sunbeam, and the Royal Academy (Королевская академия) had duly exposed the same on the walls of its Summer Exhibition.  The Royal Academy encourages orderly, methodical habits in its children.  Eshley had painted a successful and acceptable picture of cattle drowsing picturesquely under walnut trees, and as he had begun, so, of necessity, he went on.  His ‘Noontide Peace,’ a study of two dun cows under a walnut tree, was followed by ‘A Mid-day Sanctuary,’ a study of a walnut tree, with two dun cows under it.  In due succession (последовательно) there came ‘Where the Gad-Flies Cease from Troubling,’(Там, где слепни прекращают беспокоить) ‘The Haven of the Herd,’ and ‘A-dream in Dairyland,’ studies of walnut trees and dun cows.  His two attempts to break away from his own tradition were signal failures: ‘Turtle Doves (горлица) alarmed by Sparrow-hawk (ястреб)’ and ‘Wolves on the Roman Campagna’ came back to his studio in the guise of abominable heresies, and Eshley climbed back into grace and the public gaze with ‘A Shaded Nook where Drowsy Milkers Dream.’

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Список слов

stall - стойло
cattle - крупный рогатый скот
ox - бык, вол
dairy farm - молочная ферма
to pervade - пропитывать, проникать
hoof - копыто
to dot - усеивать, испещрять
villa - вилла, особняк
reproach - бесчестье, упрек
suburban - пригородный, загородный
to abut - граничить с, примыкать
picturesque - живописный, колоритный
enterprising - предприимчивый
to pasture - пасти скот
knee-deep - по колено, доходящий до колен
walnut - грецкий орех
dappled - пятнистый, пестрый
patch - пятно, заплатка
sleek - лоснящийся, гладкий
to conceive - задумывать, постигать
to execute - осуществлять, исполнять
dainty - изящный, грациозный
reposeful - спокойный, успокоительный
to filter - проникать, фильтровать
setting - окружение
duly - надлежащим образом, должным образом
to expose - выставлять напоказ
to encourage - поощрять, ободрять
orderly - упорядоченный, санитар
methodical - регулярный, систематический
acceptable - приемлемый, подходящий
to drowse - дремать
noontide - полуденный, полдень
study - набросок, изучение
dun - мышиного цвета, серовато-коричневый
sanctuary - убежище, приют
herd - стадо
attempt - попытка
failure - провал, неудача
signal - поразительный, сигнал
to alarm - встревожить, взволновать
in the guise of - под видом, под маской
abominable - омерзительный, отвратительный
heresy - ересь
grace - расположение, грация
gaze - пристальный взгляд
nook - укромный уголок, убежище

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