Словарный тренажер
Bosson - One in a million
уровень: средний, раздел: тексты песен

Словарный запас
Тренажер слов
Словарный запас

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Bosson - One in a Million
You’re one in a million
You’re one in a million
Sometimes love can hit you everyday
Sometimes you can fall for everyone you see
But only one can really make me stay
A sign from the sky said to me
You’re one in a million
You’re once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
I’ve been looking for that special one
And I’ve been searching for someone to give my love
When I thought that all the hope was gone
A smile there you were and I was gone
I always will remember how I felt that day
A feeling indescribable to me
I always knew there was an answer for my prayer
And you, you’re the one, the one for me
You’re one in a million
You’re once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
In the beginning I was cool and everything
was possible
They tried to catch me but it was impossible
No one could hurt me it was my game
Until I met you baby and you were the same
And when you didn’t want me I wanted you because
The funny thing about it is I liked the show
I like it when it’s difficult
I like it when it’s hard
Then you know it’s worth it
That you found your heart
You’re one in a million
You’re once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
Список слов
prayer - молитва
to try - пытаться, стараться
to hit (hit, hit) - поражать, ударять
to fall in love - влюбиться
sign - знак, символ
lifetime - целая жизнь
to discover - делать открытие, обнаруживать
star - звезда
special - особенный, особый
to remember - помнить, вспоминать
feeling - чувство, ощущение
indescribable - неописуемый
possible - возможный
to catch (caught, caught) - поймать, ловить
to hurt (hurt, hurt) - ранить, причинить боль
difficult - трудный, сложный
worth - стоящий, заслуживающий