- тренажер для запоминания слов

Five Little Speckled Frogs

"пятнистый" - "speckled"
"лягушка" - "frog"
"сидеть" - "to sit"
"большой" - "great"
"бревно" - "log"
"есть" - "to eat"
"мокрый" - "moist"
"очень вкусный" - "delicious"
"жук" - "bug"
"прыгать" - "to jump"
"прудок" - "pool"
"хороший" - "nice"
"прохладный" - "cool"

Five Little Speckled Frogs

Five little speckled frogs

Sat on a great big log

Eating the moist delicious bugs (Yum, yum!)

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there are four speckled frogs! (Glug! Glug!)


Four little speckled frogs

Sat on a great big log

Eating the moist delicious bugs (Yum, yum!)

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there are three speckled frogs! (Glug! Glug!)


Three little speckled frogs

Sat on a great big log

Eating the moist delicious bugs (Yum, yum!)

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there are two speckled frogs! (Glug! Glug!)


Two little speckled frogs

Sat on a great big log

Eating the moist delicious bugs (Yum, yum!)

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there is one speckled frog! (Glug! Glug!)


One little speckled frog

Sat on a great big log

Eating the moist delicious bugs (Yum, yum!)

He jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there are no speckled frogs! (Glug! Glug!)


yum [jʌm] – yum - ням-ням (выражает удовольствие по поводу приятного вкуса или запаха)

glug [glʌg] – бульк; буль