Словарный тренажер
Oh Land - Wolf and I
уровень: средний, раздел: тексты песен
Словарный запас
Тренажер слов
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Oh Land - Wolf and I
In the endless sky we are but one,
In my dreams wolf and I.
Before the world you know was like it is,
I held a lover once and I was his,
And we walked along the river in the sun,
But he's a lonely man, so this was done.
The only place we had to meet is night
While the sun, he sleeps in shadows, we can hide
On the mountainside, we'd spent our time together,
But it is gone when morning comes.
And you are the wolf,
And I am the moon,
And in the endless sky we are but one,
We are alive
In my dreams wolf and I.
How many days and nights will come and go
While the only light you'll see is from my glow?
There will never be a dawn that breaks the spell surrounding us
Till the earth dies with the sun.
And you are the wolf,
And I am the moon,
And in the endless sky we are but one,
We are alive
In my dreams wolf and I.
You are the wolf,
And I am the moon,
And in the endless sky we are but one,
We are alive
In my dreams wolf and I.
In the endless sky we are but one.
In my dreams wolf and I.
Список слов
world - мир, свет
lover - возлюбленный, любовник
river - река
along - вдоль, по
lonely - одинокий, малолюдный
shadow - тень
mountainside - горный склон, горный скат
wolf - волк
moon - луна
endless - бесконечный
sky - небо
alive - живой
dream - сон, мечта
glow - свечение, свет
dawn - рассвет
spell - чары, заклинание
to surround - окружать
earth - земля
to die - умирать