Словарный тренажер
The Bat And The Weasels
уровень: средний, раздел: рассказы
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Тренажер слов
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The Bat And The Weasels
A Bat blundered into the nest of a Weasel, who ran up to catch and eat him. The Bat begged for his life, but the Weasel would not listen.
‘You are a Mouse,’ he said, ‘and I am a sworn enemy of Mice. Every Mouse I catch, I am going to eat!’
‘But I am not a Mouse!’ cried the Bat. ‘Look at my wings. Can Mice fly? Why, I am only a Bird! Please let me go!’
The Weasel had to admit that the Bat was not a Mouse, so he let him go. But a few days later, the foolish Bat went blindly into the nest of another Weasel. This Weasel happened to be a bitter enemy of Birds, and he soon had the Bat under his claws, ready to eat him.
‘You are a Bird,’ he said, ‘and I am going to eat you!’
‘What,’ cried the Bat, ‘I, a Bird! Why, all Birds have feathers! I am nothing but a Mouse. Down with all Cats, is my motto!’
And so the Bat escaped with his life a second time.
Set your sails with the wind.
Список слов
bat - летучая мышь
to blunder - наталкиваться, натыкаться
nest - гнездо
weasel - горностай, ласка
to run up - подбежать
to beg - умолять, просить
mouse - мышь
enemy - враг
wing - крыло
to admit - признавать, признаваться
foolish - глупый, дурацкий
blindly - вслепую, слепо
bitter - ожесточенный, горький
claw - коготь
feather - перо
motto - девиз, лозунг
down with - долой
to escape - спастись, совершать побег
sail - парус, плавание
wind - ветер