Словарный тренажер
Али-Баба и сорок разбойников. Ч.2
уровень: средний, раздел: сказки
Словарный запас
Тренажер слов
Словарный запас
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Part 2.
Ali Baba told his brother the secret of the cave. Cassim rose early next morning, and set out with ten mules loaded with great chests. He found the rock, and having said, ‘Open Sesame,’ gained admission, where he found more treasures than he expected, which made him forget the word that caused the door to open. Presently he heard the sound of horses’ feet, which he concluded to be the robbers, who instantly put him to death. Ali Baba drove to the forest, and on entering the cave, he found the body of his brother cut into quarters. He took the quarters, and put them upon one of his asses, and delivered the body to Cassim’s wife. Morgiana, a female slave in his brother’s house, was sent early next morning to a poor cobbler, and gave him two pieces of gold to go with her blindfolded; taking him into the room where the body was lying, bade him sew the mangled limbs together (и попросила сшить изуродованные конечности вместе). Mustapha obeyed, having received two pieces of gold, and was led blindfolded the same way back.
Cassim was buried with all due solemnity, and Ali Baba removed to the house of his deceased (книжн. покойный) brother, of which he took possession.
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Список слов
cave - пещера
to set out - отправляться в путь
chest - сундук, грудь
to gain - получать, добывать
admission - доступ, допущение
treasure - сокровище
to expect - ожидать, ждать
to cause - послужить причиной, заставлять
presently - некоторое время спустя, лично
to conclude - сделать вывод, завершать
to put to death - казнить
quarter - четверть
to deliver - доставлять, разносить
slave - раб, невольник
cobbler - сапожник
blindfolded - с завязанными глазами
to sew (sewed, sewn) - шить
to obey - подчиняться, слушаться
to bury - хоронить
due - должный, надлежащий
to remove - переезжать, удалять
to possess - владеть, обладать