- тренажер для запоминания слов

Autumn Leaves

"тишина" - "hush"
"холодный" - "chill"
"колдун" - "wizard"
"магия" - "magic"
"волшебный" - "fairy"
"палец на руке" - "finger"
"крепкий" - "sturdy"
"дуб" - "oak"
"прекрасный" - "splendid"
"малиновый" - "crimson"
"клен" - "maple"
"трепетать" - "to flutter"
"над головой" - "overhead"
"заросли" - "tangle"
"увядший" - "faded"
"трава" - "grass"
"стелиться" - "to trail"
"ползучее растение" - "vine"
"пылающий" - "ablaze"
"красота" - "glory"
"тепло" - "warmth"
"луч" - "gleam"
"дымка" - "haze"
"знамя" - "banner"
"маршировать" - "to march"
"армия" - "army"
"извилистый" - "winding"
"дорога" - "road"
"долина" - "valley"
"ветвь" - "bough"
"сверкать" - "to glow"
"очарование" - "charm"
"окутывать" - "to fold"
"чары" - "spell"

Angelina Wray

Autumn Leaves

In the hush and the lonely silence

Of the chill October night,

Some wizard has worked his magic

With fairy fingers light.


The leaves of the sturdy oak trees

Are splendid with crimson and red.

And the golden flags of the maple

Are fluttering overhead.


Through the tangle of faded grasses

There are trailing vines ablaze,

And the glory of warmth and color

Gleams through the autumn haze.


Like banners of marching armies

That farther and farther go;

Down the winding roads and valleys

The boughs of the sumacs glow.


So open your eyes, little children,

And open your hearts as well,

Till the charm of the bright October

Shall fold you in its spell.


sumac [ˈsuː|mæk,ˈʃuːmæk-] – кустарник или небольшое дерево родом из Северной Америки, вид рода Сумах