- тренажер для запоминания слов

Esther Nelson Karn - I Know Two Eyes

"черный как смоль" - "jet-black"
"любящий" - "fond"
"верный" - "true"
"нежный" - "tender"
"блестеть" - "to twinkle"
"звезда" - "star"
"раскаленный" - "glowing"
"горячая зола" - "ember"
"милый" - "sweet"
"мягкий" - "soft"
"замешкаться" - "to tarry"
"сумерки" - "twilight"
"делиться" - "to share"
"взгляд" - "glance"
"задерживаться" - "to dwell"
"небеса" - "heaven"
"светящийся" - "radiant"
"глубина" - "depth"

Esther Nelson Karn

I Know Two Eyes


I know two eyes - two jet-black eyes,

Yet fond and true and tender.

I see them in the twinkling stars,

And in the glowing ember.

You girls may talk of sweet blue eyes,

Or on soft brown eyes tarry,

But I will take those jet-black eyes,

So sparkling, bright, and merry.

They come to me at twilight hour,

They come in morning early,

They come my every joy to share,

Those jet-black eyes so merry.

They come at noon, and when I'm sad

They look at me so kindly,

Their ever-tender, sparkling glance

Dwells on me, oh, so fondly.

I know two eyes - two jet-black eyes,

Yet fond and true and tender;

They're bright as any twinkling star

Up in the heavens yonder.

I look into those sparkling eyes,

Those jet-black eyes so merry,

And see within their radiant depths

The love-light of my ‘dearie.’


yonder ['jɔndə] – (уст.) вон там